Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby in the tummy

I was feeding S by the pool the other day when she piped up with a shocker.

" mama, do you have baby in your tummy?"


Where on earth did that come from. So I calmly told her that no there was no baby in my tummy. Then I remembered that I was telling her about a friend who was pregnant and had described her as such. So serves me right.

It's just that in our friend circle everyone is expecting and we keep getting asked on when we're planning our second. It's almost like everyone's waiting for an announcement. So much so that I feel conscious when I decline to have a glass of wine as I suspect everyone will start speculating that I'm pregnant! But I just didn't expect the same question on my own home turf :).

After that we started asking S if she wanted a baby bro/ sis and having fun at her expense because her reaction, when we told her she would have to share her room and toys with the baby, was priceless. Poor thing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I am a big girl now

S is in love with my make up. Every morning she loves watching me as I get ready for work. I
Her favourite is my lipstick which she fondly calls "lip lip". Whenever she's wanted to play with stuff I've not said much until she turned up with her lips covered in eye concealer because she'd mistaken my concealer for lip lip.

After that incident I decided to put a stop to all this playing by telling her that she could only get my make up once she was a big girl. But it's a cute sight when I see her stretching on her toes and trying to prove to me that she's a big girl. Every time we remind her that she needs to do stuff herself because she's a big girl she promptly pipes up with "can i have your lip lip now, I am a big girl now".

She is a big girl now. Too big intact. Has someone got a time capsule?

Lion dance

With Chinese new year being celebrated everywhere, squiggles' school couldn't be far behind. Tomorrow I head there to join in the celebrations. Have to take a day off and feel a bit resentful not because I don't want to go but because feel that being one of the newbie moms at school I may be conned into attending when everyone else has already figured out that there's no need to attend!
Sounds a bit mental I know.
Well the point of writing was to highlight that S was a bit scared at the prospect of watching the lion dance even though she knows there are 2 uncles inside it :). Normally she's excited about going to school but all day she has been trying to figure out how she can get out of it!

Trying out blogpress from my iPhone today. Let's see if it works.

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