Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Up for fresh air

DD's not around and this is one of those evenings that I have to myself. So finally, after months of silence I can jot down a few of the things that S has been up to. Actually, I've been so busy having fun with S, that I haven't found the time to write about it.

I woke up last Sunday and groggily walked out of my room to see S on the pot going through her morning rituals with my helper at hand. So, I'm in my old pyjamas, hair tousled and still rubbing my eyes when S pipes up in a sing song voice with a huge sweet smile on her face and says ............


Well let me tell you this that if I had been sitting on a chair I would have fallen off. Now to refresh your memory she's only 21 months old. I don't know if all kids say stuff like this or not but clearly I wasn't prepared. The only consolation was that I was sure she had no idea what it meant because I clearly did not fit the picture of a sexy mama. Oh no.

The same day I got shock no. 2. We were heading out and waiting for the lift when Ms. S, again with a big smile pipes up, "Shut up, shut up, shut up". WTF??? She doesn't go to school and she's already saying stuff which I cannot believe. My helper got a bit upset but I've convinced her that if we ignore these words, we'll be better off because she's more likely to forget them. But really, are your kids saying all this as well? It's been over a week and she hasn't said it since *anti-jinx*.

Oh and I forgot. My mom told me about this incident which is very funny too. Apparently S was wearing a long sleeves shirt one morning and the maid told her she was looking very pretty. But S disagreed. She said, "NO! No cut cut". Implying that she wasn't looking pretty because she wasn't wearing a short sleeve/sleeveless top! I know. Kids are crazy. And she doesn't get to watch much TV. Imagine if she was watching all those Hindi MTV channels with the gyrating women in no clothes *shudder*.

Oh, and the little miss is in love with my heels. I have acquired quite a few pairs recently which has not gone unnoticed by the little fashionista. This is the result.

She's chattering nineteen to the dozen as well. She can sing songs. She hums the first line of the song 'Bol na halke halke' from 'Jhoom Barabar Jhoom'. Her favourite rhyme is Incy Wincy Spider and Wheels on the Bus. What is with 'Wheels on the Bus'. Kids just love it.

Anyways, hope you're all fine and keeping well. Hope to be back soon again.
